
Tomorrow, the world would be set aright
Tomorrow, I'd be dazzled with dense cool breeze not neons
And my hands would not warm
until they touch hot chocolate

From my windows
I'd traverse the sands barefoot
My window would be Paris
And the muse would sit on 
my tiniest finger and play 
romance from his lute

Tomorrow, my body would cease 
to exist
And before he cups my breasts
He would not forget how one 
hazy evening
He cupped my face too.
In that hour, our breaths became 
The kiss

Those untouched lips
would poison him 
so much that
I would walk down the aisle 
And all he would see is 
Dahlias on my hips

Tomorrow, he'd be exhausted 
and with his eyes tuned 
to the dark and dusted,
Never would any dress
look more prettier than 
it hugs me

But, Still, Still
There'd be time, 
There's always time
to slip the woman next door
out of it.

On moondust we'd sleep
and laugh till our ribs tickle 
and break 
The champagne glass
About this, about that 

Sometimes I'd be mommy
and hit the wizard 
The other times he'd laugh 'cos 
I be looking so ugly 
in those pants

But, I'd still knit a
Blue shade sweater 
that itches
To paint my hand red
Just the colour of 
His back.

Tomorrow, we'd be lost
Only in memories we stay 
But the telepathic string
would hold onto me,
Onto him.
It would just twist around our necks
so tight that we're killed.

Tomorrow, from the meth room
We'd resurrect, we rise
With historical amnesia
That damn we're not two 
Opposite sexes 

Listen it on SoundCloud:  Tomorrow


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