What if I am shallow because you have malice in your heart?

To deal with loneliness is a difficult business 

I cut

I fold 

I stretch

I walk down the travails of historical amnesia

I parse it like peeled vegetables 

I hold nothing in my hand just sand

I haunch in the anticipation of morning 

A click. Two clicks. And snap!

I pull my hair, I shave off

I hold nothing in my hand just sand

What would you care to know and I know everything 

I try everything I can 

I make a clown of myself 

bulge those eyes out

I become a pink elephant in a circus

with my hind joints in full view 

I become public

Hi there!

I hold nothing in my hand just sand

Love, my love, where did you go

why do you look so rabid to the quails of existence 

I inhale memories 

I vomit 

I rack my brains out 

I torment myself with a dervish and fall

I hold nothing in my hand just sand


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