Freedom looks like a pre-dusk dying of light, ebbing away with a promise. Clinging to the horizon in some magical land, vouching for hope & serenity, almost huddled together.
Freedom is sweeter than love,
a transient friendship yet friendship nonetheless that takes a lifetime to rub off.
It only knows to give,
for freedom is love, love isn't freedom.
Living is a series of tribulations towards it.
Freedom lurks in the sorrow of refugees, their search for belonging, in the maddening fury of women's eyes as they hear shells & fire on extremely silent nights.
It ambushes among the unhurried calls of a morsel of bread when the earth goes barren.
Freedom is in the noise of a head buried in the chest of a lover,
coming out of a storm that ends with waves ashore,
moistening feet & embracing death.
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