An Elegy to Dopdi Mehjen : Women and their Illogical Politics

Okay, Enough! Enough of nose poking lest you sneeze all over me, I write it.

One of Mahasweta Devi's masterpiece "Draupadi" has been removed from Delhi University's syllabus. It had too much of sexual content, they say. Well, seriously what to expect when the much better revered Draupadi's question: 

"Ask him, whom did he lose first? Me or himself?",  remained unanswered on the wheels of time. Who'll let this power to question stay, now?

I remember my professor warned, "You read dangerous, stay close, cherish it, they'll trample you." Obviously I didn't think the trampling would be a stampede disaster. Every particle in me cries out today, my historical setbacks shattered my contemporary. The dawn is a farsighted vision.

I had my stakes high on NEP, 2020. They said, it's going to be holistic and inclusive. It's exactly opposite of that. Grossly conservative.

Will they now tape my protests too?
You may erase my body but how will you, my soul? Dopdi would stay in me as long as I live, it's a lifelong lesson.

I would serve my body on a platter. What more you'll eat, you hungry monsters, now tell me?

I am speaking from the country's capital.

I am speaking from the 21st century. 

I am speaking from the city which embarrasses you because there are just too many women out on the streets, even when it's too late. You warned but we didn't listen, so you had to take "strict measures", time and time again.

Ultra short dresses, too bold lipsticks that you can't help but ogle like a QR scan. They make your blood boil because they smoke in downtown, shabby, black alleys. They drink and god knows what not. Their modernity is the death of your civilization and you are scared.

"For them or yourself?"

I am not speaking from a remote village, small towns where illiterate women drag themselves like chattel.

But, still if you have the audacity to tell that this is just an exaggeration, Baby, you should see how the male fantasy exercise itself while shagging off on their mobile screens behind dark, closed doors.

Dogs are set free!


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