I Unlove You

I Unlove You 

If you believe that memories 

Are not worth a penny 

If you believe bleeding hearts 

Make your hands dirty 

If you believe you will last 

More than my lost longings 

I Unlove You 

If rains never break your heart 

If your two little hands 

Do not remember how they felt 

when they were last held 

If that clink in your eyes 

Never desired my soul 

Never sought for its embrace 

I Unlove You 

If our goodbyes do not scar 

Something, anything 

If losing me do not 

Remind you of withered roses 

If your gorgeous smile has 

Always been a facade 

I Unlove You 

If my words never reverberated 

Within the fickleness of your existence 

If my presence is a mere 

Shifting, fleeting, insubstantial 

Wayward delicacy 

I Unlove You 

If you think your pain weigh 

More than the worthlessness of my hurt 

If ticking clocks are not sirens 

Of impending doom 

If you never let the sparrow 

of your thoughts dream wild 

I Unlove You 

If your homely swans 

Only sing of slick and slithery snakes

If passion never led 

Your mind astray 

If life and death never

Loved you all the same 

I Unlove You 

If you never had a visceral cry 

When Thoor Ballylee almost drowned 

If you sit high up thinking your cynical doctrines 

Changed the culture more 

Than my grief ever changed history 

I Unlove You 

Because I would always love you 

In all my waitings

In all my daydreaming 

Over lush green fields from the train window 

In all the breaks between 

My swirling, alcoholic, drop dead 


I Unlove You 

Because pray someday 

when you kiss your girl 

And feel a sudden crash as if your lips 


At least you have an idea 

That this is how I loved you 

That this is the love 

I was talking about.


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