Loss and Failure

I see it clear as day 
I travel back with it to the very beginnings
when the earth was a dark green moss
with no uncounted, faceless heads
splaying across the dirty streets 
when reason didn't use to be blaring horns 

It doesn't hurt so much or does it?
Whether it's a marooned ant or 
a colony of 'em carrying dead bodies 
on their backs 
Doing the drowsy god's work

I wonder where did I go wrong?
Where did we all go wrong? 
I was never supposed to be carrying 
rusted cuffs in my womb
weak in my knees 
a throbbing cyst, an undesirable growth 
I surprisingly grieve for 

Or did I, all this time? 

I mean the senselessness of it, 
the loss, all of it 
I just don't get it
All I do is mumble my incantations,
hold the glass in mid air & pray 
The frenzied fury of Bacchus 

Divided to the vein 
Cleaving my heart into two
You slide between my bosom
Look at me with those soggy eyes
Breathe near & demand justice 

I put it on a lever to weigh it
But how do you weigh such a thing?
I mean, how do you weigh
justice of all my love based 
on a condition?


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