Feminism, a modern rethink
As many of the authors have claimed, the best human mind in all its essence is an androgynous mind. Then, it is certain, the modern argument of the division of sexes on the basis of certain attitudes, behaviors and mannerisms does not pass the litmus test of what exactly defines the so-called gender.
But, is it easy to cultivate such a mind, putting aside all our stereotypical notions of what constitutes masculinity and femininity? Perhaps it is not. And, when we witness this large-scale destruction of the ideals of feminism by the pseudo- feminists, it becomes all the more difficult.
Let me explain it with some examples. When you witness that all the international rules based order is falling apart, is resorting to dictatorship, state surveillance, a sort of ultimate control over the masses, the only/final solution? Or, rather, the solution lies in the conspiracy theories, where everything is meaningless and hence following a cult can only come to rescue. These are, without an iota of doubt, extremist/regressive views and unfortunately a purely radical solution is nothing but preemptive rage which would rather be better satisfied with structural upliftment of some sort. But, what exactly is this structural upliftment? Isn’t it a slow process when we tend to have less and less time?
Such modern reductionism, as I always say, is baffling. We respond too quickly and suffer. This is exactly what is happening to feminism these days. Unless you are not an ardent follower of Yeats and strictly adhere to the notion that everything is cyclical and hence nothing could be done about it, then my friend, please do not read further. Also, this is not for you,
“If you never had a visceral cry
When Thoor Ballylee almost drowned
If you sit high up thinking your cynical doctrines
Changed the culture more
Than my grief ever changed history….”
So, yes, feminism needs a rethink because when I see young girls getting fooled into believing what it is not, my heart breaks. More so, when they are exploited and made to believe that feminism is just a manipulation strategy to get what they want.
Here, I would be listing in points, though the list is not exhaustive, that illustrates this perverse propaganda which does not give space to any other identity to breathe except itself. Feminism is not, and never claimed to be seen as an isolated narrative. It always flourishes with open arms and confronts the truths even if no conciliation with it is ever possible.
1. That 'we won’t split the bill' narrative
This is the ultimate buffoonery one could ever see. I mean, let’s suppose you are tired of working, then please go take a break, or rather ask for support. What is, with all the placards sloganeering that, WE WON’T WORK. Everybody needs a little room to breathe and it is gender neutral. It is one thing to question the present circumstances but completely another thing to come up with excuses to revert to the traditional/orthodox setup and on top of that introduce it as something that is the cause of all the present sufferings. Splitting the bill is about establishing parity and not a mechanism to go hankering after the very same thing feminists fought against. That men are the only providers and they cannot choose it otherwise. This is reverse patriarchy. They once tightened the noose, now it’s our chance. Wow. There is a great difference between providing provisions for undoing the historical wrongs and using violence for violence.
P.S. Any guesses, who wins with all this crap?
A woman saying that she won't split the bill because she spent on makeup is the argument European imperialists gave when asked why they plundered the colonized. They did it for the makeup, of course.
2. We can do whatever the fuck I want
First of all, a hell no. There are reasonable restrictions against everything. Sorry to disappoint you but freedom does not mean freedom in the absolute sense. And, secondly, this freedom you talk about so bombastically, is the result of centuries of struggles by our fellow sisters. You bear responsibility to nurture it every day by questioning and then re-questioning everything you do and act responsibly. Please, feminism is not at all about wearing skimpy clothes and getting drunk till you pass out, it is about having the freedom to choose.
3. I am just a girl
You already belittled yourself and justified that you do not have brains to think logically. I get super irritated by women acting like cry babies to their male partners to get their things done. Oh, they are just acting sweet. Why would she need to act a certain way to get what she wants? Stop acting sweet, be assertive and natural and fight for what you want.
4. I do not need any support, I am an independent woman
Alright, you are an independent woman but what is the harm in asking for support? Let me put it straight and make it rational. When one gender is dominant, and he is genuinely interested in helping you out, please accept it with open arms. Dominance holds power and there is no shame in using power than ending up powerless. I believe all the reservation/affirmative policies are based on this very same logic. And, please I am not at all, talking about the casting couch situation where everyone involved is equally guilty.
5. I did a mistake, now I will use feminism to manipulate
If you err, accept that you erred, it is only human to err. Ignorance is not a sin, using it for follow up gains certainly is. Basically, the concepts like impurity, ignorance, overpowered by emotions are nothing but patriarchal concepts used in reverse.
6. The cult feminists
Women have been witches in the past. They have been extraordinary healers because they knew some mystical herbs. So, we will prepare an altar and randomly move our heads in a merry-go-round fashion and act like we possess some kind of hidden power. Our sixth sense and intuition can defy any modern medicine and we will give childbirth in a forest. Damn, please go read Educated by Tara Westover, her mother almost died just because her father was scared of the government aided hospitals. Remember, if there is a complete disillusionment with the present, no matter how idyllic it sounds, going back to the past is no solution. Again, extremist and a stupid waste of adrenaline than doing something more constructive about your problems.
This is to state we know our power, we need not advertise it. We get angry like everyone does, doesn’t mean we will kill you for killing us all those years. Feminists know better, women know better.
Nuances, everytime, over any kind of absolutism.
Life is never black and white, it is always gray.
Binary oppositions are always antithetical to the ideas of equality.
100 days of peaceful negotiations than even a single day of reckless purge in the form of war.
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