Shut up, it's cool.

In those strange hours when the lights go down, when all the howling stops, when footsteps tread back to their returning edge, when the winds go shallower, what do you think? 

In those nights which die upon themselves, when you want to damn kiss anyone in the hallway, when the fires burn every inch of your soul, do you lay your own coffin for the night? 

Where lips meet to smoke screens, where you choose to forget, where longings end, yes in those places, do you go back, do you remember, do memories fail you? 

In dreams that don't mean anything, that unpleasantly reminds you of all the spaces within, do you write letters addressed to the hearth? 

To papers that are inked for no good reason at all, to calls never made, to lovers buried alive, do you grieve for the ghosts? 


Have you ever believed in the silences that begs for mercy? 


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