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I cannot write, nothing bleeds of my fingertips I see a forest coming back to life  A sparrow singing, perhaps, yelling at me to listen  But I cannot bring a dead to living,  write absurd commentaries upon it I cannot stop remembering what isn't supposed to be I cannot school myself to happiness  Who is this woman, I do not know her  Who is this man, I do not love  I remember the last time  I tried to hammer  something delicate and oh so soft  It broke in my hands and wailed  I could not bring myself to nurse it  Perhaps I have always been this cruel,  this distant Perhaps I always make a handsome fool out of me  I do not know what beckons  I never heard your voice  I never embraced you in the clasps of seeing  I know going and not returning back  I do not know this becoming,  this running out of the sky 

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